The Ants & the Grasshopper


Since Ash Wednesday, we’ve focused on the Seven Deadly Sins in worship.  This week’s sin is “Sloth” which is really a word that’s been lost to our vernacular.  Basically, sloth is the Sin of Not Caring.  Scripture addresses Sloth several times, but modern translations call it Laziness.  Again and again, the holy texts illustrate the matter by contrasting the ants and the grasshopper (Proverbs 6: 6-11).  In this light, Sloth begins to take on a twinge of self-importance and pride, too.  It maybe even highlights the expectation our culture has that all deserve Social Security after a certain age, whether or not we’ve worked to support others by funding it.

When I think on these things, I remember my childhood love for Walt Disney’s Silly Symphony.  Funny thing is, I kept thinking I’d forgotten the remaining lines in the song the Grasshopper sings.  Fact of the matter:  the grasshopper only bothers to sing one line.

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