I am a child of God, creature-mom of a Bichon Frise, penner of poetry and prayers, dabbler in watercolors, extroverted introvert, second-class second soprano with a first-class heart, and for more than a decade, I served the kingdom of God as a pastor in a range of parish settings.  Today, I work as a hospice chaplain.  I am an Appalachian woman.

Writing has always been an outlet for me.  Since middle school days, I’ve written poetry.  In my 20s, those poems began to morph into prayers.  A classmate of mine took some of my lines and set them to music.  I wonder if he still sings them.  That said, I’m certainly a better writer than I ever was a preacher (despite the compliments of parishioners to the contrary… I’m sure their commendations are stirred foremost by the Spirit).  Over time, I’ve found that my preaching style has altered my writing style.  I write here for no other purpose than to give voice to ideas, memories, and creative-connections for which I have no other viable venue.

I am more than what I do for a living, but what I do for a living filters in through so many levels.  Bidden or unbidden, God shows up.  Even in the unexpected places some of us would refuse to think God could possibly be.  I’m looking for the little threads of wisdom that can be woven into the tapestry that is my life and call.  My stories, prayers, poems, reflections and whatever else I share here are my own and do not express those of any single person or group of people with whom I am linked.  It is, after all, my weaving.

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